Score Card

Criteria & Guidance

Entries will be scored against the criteria detailed below, out of a suggested total score. Please use the ‘Guidance on Scoring’ table. These are the criteria, which can be used to score and judge your entries. This will ensure maximum consistency and fairness to entrants.

Criteria – 30 under 30

Please look for an individual that can demonstrate a bright and promising young communicator who is delivering best practices while showing a creative and innovation approach to communications with an eye to business impact. The nominee must be 30 years old or under on 15.03.2024.

Please consider the structure, presentation and clarity of each entry. Entries should focus on the recent work of individual (in the last two years).

Criteria Score 1-5
Criteria 1 - Creativity:
  • What all elements are included in the campaign? Is it integrated?
  • Creativity, clarity and feasibility of your campaign idea "Distinct callouts to the Paid, Earned, Owned and Shared parts of your campaign"
  • Does the idea stand out? Is it fresh, exciting and creative?
Criteria 2 - Core Skills:
Media engagement, client/C-suite engagement where applicable, multimedia content creation, social media engagement, understanding client’s/ or organisation’s business.
Criteria 3 - Leadership:
Pushing the envelope on campaigns, leadership qualities in client management, media management and team management.
Criteria 4 -Create a short campaign on “How would you reposition PR to make it indispensable in a rapidly evolving media landscape?”

  • Understanding of the Brief
  • Objectives
  • Key Message
  • Does the campaign thought answer the brief?
This section will count separately towards the overall score and will play a role in case of a tie.
Criteria 5 - Measurable Impact
  • Output - Reach & Impressions, Key message delivery
  • Outcome- Audience engagement
  • Change in behaviour | Awareness levels
Additional Notes:

This will give a total score for each team award entry out of a possible 25.

Guidance on scoring:

Score Description
5 Outstanding – Fully meets, and even exceeds, the criteria/td>
4 Impressive – Meets the criteria and is worthy of recognition.
3 Good - Meets the criteria but perhaps not so exceptional
2 OK - Nothing special or impressive
1 Weak - Unimpressive